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Hachi is an Orange Star CO with lowered unit costs, but otherwise average stats. Nonetheless, Hachi is often considered extremely overpowered and is frequently banned from games.

Playing as Hachi[]

Hachi's cost cut makes scrimping up for the more expensive units more doable. His price cut becomes more noticeable as units become more expensive. Kanbei's feared Md. Tanks typically are placed at the top of the food chain of any match, considering Neotanks are rarely bought in most serious or short matches. However, they cost 19200. Hachi comes in with a cost of 14400 for a solid Md. Tank, that's how much Kanbei spends on a Missile unit.

Another unseen advantage in this is that it makes it easier to deploy what you need when you need it, it sometimes takes too long to make a single payment of 16000 work (especially with tight funds or many fronts).

His COP is especially useful when your bases are numerous or your bases just happen to be close to the fighting. However, this is usually not the case for most 2P matches. Granted, his SCOP is hardly any better than the regular on the first day, but it really opens up more opportunities within the next few days. With his SCOP, you can make cheap Mech floods that could rival Sensei or Tanks galore.

Playing Against Hachi[]

As one of the strongest commanders in the game, very few other COs can stand up to Hachi. As the majority of his power comes from Merchant Union, he ideally should be beaten before the power can come into play, but as it is only 5 stars, this is very difficult to do. The only way to do this is to shut Hachi out of contested properties early with an aggressive strategy and - ideally - strong combat stats to back it up. Kanbei and Javier (with 2 Comm Towers) have the greatest chance, especially on small maps where unit mirror matchups dominate, as their enormous D2D boosts allow them to crush Hachi's units before he can capture key properties and amass enough funds and units to charge up his powers. Sensei is nearly as potent, with his Copter Command power coming in early enough to overwhelm Hachi with massed Infantry for the same reason.

Colin, as the other funds-based T0 CO, can potentially match Hachi's value lead with his own, particularly using chained Gold Rushes to amass a colossal amount of funds - however, the unit count difference will be severe, and he will have to rely on quality of his units over quantity to succeed, which may be impossible on some maps.

Mass-damage COs such as Olaf gain more value out of their powers if used after Hachi uses his Super CO power. This can potentially allow them to punch through a flank if given sparse enough properties to spawn units from, though the sheer unit count disadvantage is still likely to be game-ending.
