Welcome to the Advance Wars By Web Wiki!
Advance Wars by Web (aka. AWBW) is an unofficial site created by Aaron Marriner in 2004 that allows people to play Advance Wars multiplayer online in a web browser. AWBW is primarily based upon Advance Wars 2: Black Hole Rising with select gameplay elements added in from Advance Wars 1 and Advance Wars: Dual Strike, but also expands upon the vanilla experience by including a wider selection of COs than any previous game in the series, up to 16 players per match, additional content and quality-of-life (and some bugs and glitches here and there) and a broad array of community-focused features such as live matchmaking, map browsing, spectator controls, replays and a ranked matchmaking system.
Since December 2017, AWBW has been maintained by a dedicated team of developers and volunteers, with aesthetic and functional changes continuously being implemented by its members and the Map Committee. All changes to AWBW are recorded in the changelog.
If problems with AWBW are encountered, you may report them on the forum, or on the Discord server for a more prompt response. Suggestions for this wiki are welcome in those places as well.
Wiki Content
Other Links
- Wiki FAQ
- Glossary
- Main Site
- Advance Dating By Web
- AWBW Subreddit
- New Forum (from January 2014)
- Old Forum (Wayback Machine)
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